


  • 作者:溫晶晶
  • 出版社:崧燁文化
  • 出版日期:2019/11/01
  • 語言:繁體中文
  • 裝訂:平裝
  • ISBN:9789577358011

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如何用英文進行國際商務談判  國際商務談判是典型的跨文化、跨學科的綜合性學問和藝術。國際商務談判作為國與國之間、企業與企業之間經濟交往的重要環節,在相當程度上決定著交易的成敗,企業的興衰,甚至影響著一個國家的發展機遇。由於語言和文化的差異難以可克服,國際商務談判這門獨具特色的跨文化課程,在用不同文字表述後損失了相當部分的原始意境,從而也造成了談判效果的耗損。因此,為了能夠讓學習者更好地領悟國際商務談判的精髓,盡可能原汁原味地保留另外一種語言的本真含義,進一步提高國際商務談判人才的培養品質,編者從國際商務談判的實戰性出發,根據國際商務談判的規律,全面地介紹了國際商務談判從準備、組織到談判技巧、戰略戰術的相關知識。本書由英文寫成,全書共十章,內容加大了跨文化方面的相關內容,和對談判人才個性化培養方面的知識介紹,突顯出本書國際化、通識化、實戰化的特點。Chapter 1  Fundamentals of International Business Negotiation (1)
1.1  Basic Concept and Characteristics of Business Negotiation  (1)
1.2  Forms of International Business Negotiation  (7)
Case Study  (11)
Exercises  (14)

Chapter 2  Preparing for Negotiation  (15)
2.1  Establishing Objectives  (15)
2.2  Collecting and Analyzing Information Concerned  (18)
2.3  Forming the Negotiation Team  (21)
2.4  Planning for International Business Negotiation  (25)
2.5  Choice of Negotiation Venues  (31)
2.6  Negotiators Check List  (33)
Case Study  (37)
Exercises  (37)

Chapter 3  The Process of Negotiation  (38)
3.1  Negotiation Atmosphere and Opening Steps  (38)
3.2  Opening Strategies  (40)
3.3  Bidding and Bargaining  (43)
Case Study  (45)
Exercises  (46)

Chapter 4  Closing the Negotiation  (47)
4.1  Identification and Means of Negotiation Closing  (47)
4.2  Tactics Towards Agreement  (51)
4.3 Tips on Contract Signing  (54)
Case Study  (60)
Exercises  (61)

Chapter 5  Negotiation Principles  (62)
5.1  Win-Win Concept  (62)
5.2  Collaborative Principled Negotiation  (65)
5.3  Law of Interest Distribution  (75)
5.4  Law of Trust  (83)
Case Study  (89)
Exercises  (91)

Chapter 6  Negotiation Strategies and Tactics  (92)
6.1  Developing Your Negotiation Strategies  (92)
6.2  Strategic Considerations  (97)
6.3  Useful Negotiation Strategies  (98)
6.4  Useful Negotiation Tactics  (101)
Case Study  (105)
Exercises  (106)

Chapter 7  Professional Skills for International Business Negotiation  (107)
7.1  Skill of Talking  (107)
7.2  Skills of Asking and Answering  (110)
7.3  Skills of Body Language  (119)
7.4  Application of the Body Language in Negotiation  (123)
Case Study  (124)
Exercises  (125)

Chapter 8  International Business Contract Negotiation  (127)
8.1  Conclusion and Guarantee of a Contract  (127)
8.2  Modification, Termination and Assignment of Contracts  (132)
8.3  Authentication and Notarization of a Contract  (135)
Case Study  (137)
Exercises  (138)

Chapter 9  Personal Styles and Negotiation Modes  (139)
9.1  Negotiators’ Personal Styles  (139)
9.2  Negotiators’ Personal Styles and AC Model  (140)
9.3  Personal Styles vs. Negotiation Modes  (142)
9.4  Application of Personality Checks  (143)
Case Study  (145)
Exercises  (146)

Chapter 10  Different Cultures and Business Negotiation  (147)
10.1  Definition of Culture  (147)
10.2  Cultural Change  (149)
10.3  Negotiation and Conflict Resolution Across Cultures  (152)
10.4  Cultural Dimensions and Negotiation  (153)
10.5  Business Negotiating Styles of Different Cultures  (154)
10.6  Cross the Cultural Gap  (158)
Case Study  (160)
Exercises  (161)

书名简译: 如何用英文进行国际商务谈判


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