新聞類別1: International 國際
1. ISIS Beheaded another Western Captive 冷血ISIS再度斬首西方人質
2. The Missing Flight: MH370 失蹤的馬航
3. The ALS Bucket Challenge 漸凍人募款冰桶挑戰
4. Should Scotland Be Independent? 蘇格蘭應該獨立嗎?
5. Ebola Virus Got Out of Control 伊波拉病毒失控了
6. Malala and Kailash Satyarthi win Nobel Peace Prize 諾貝爾和平獎最新得主:Kailash Satyarthi 和 Malala Yousafzai
7. The Crisis in Gaza Strip 加薩走廊的危機
新聞類別2: Economics & Society 經濟與社會
1. Does Tax on Luxuries really work? 奢侈稅真的有用嗎?
2. Hong Kong Umbrella Movement 香港雨傘運動
3. Youth Unemployment Rate Remains High 青年失業率居高不下
4. How Hard is it to buy a House in Taipei? 臺北買房究竟有多難?
5. China is Next Bubble to Burst 中國經濟即將泡沫化
6. Japan's Currency Devaluation 日幣持續貶值
7. Taiwan’s Gutter Oil Scandal 地溝油醜聞
8. Gas Explosions in Kaohsiung Killed 32 高雄氣爆釀32死
新聞類別3: Science & Technology 科學與科技
1. First Lab Grown Burger Is Served 第一個實驗室培養的漢堡上桌了
2. The Newest Medical Technology: Nanoknife device 最新醫學科技:奈米刀
3. 3D Printers are Available for Sale 3D印表機開賣啦!
4. 13-year-old Girl is Trained to Travel to Mars 13歲少女受NASA特訓 將成首位「火星人」
5. Bloody Moon Returns! 血月回來了!
6. Apple and Facebook offer female staff to freeze eggs 臉書及蘋果提供女職員凍卵補助
7. Will E-books replace Paper books? 紙書會被電子書取代嗎?
新聞類別4: Health 健康
1. A 15-year-old Burger Still Looks Good 十五年的漢堡看起來依然美味
2. Say No to GMO Food 對基因改造食品說不
3. Is Organic food really organic? 有機食物真的有機嗎?
4. Happy People Don’t Kill Themselves? 快樂的人不會自殺嗎?
5. Cancers=Metabolic diseases 癌症其實是新陳代謝病
6. Are You Smartphone Addicts? 你是低頭族嗎?
7. Fat Is Good for You 脂肪有益健康
新聞類別5: Sports 運動
1. MBA 美國職籃
2. FIFA World Cup 世足賽
3. The Road Running Craze 瘋路跑(提到彩色路跑、泡泡路跑、殭屍障礙越野路跑等)
4. Winter Olympic 冬季奧運
5. Formula One F1賽車
6. Le Tour de France 自行車環法賽
7. Suwei Hsieh won 2014 Wimbledon Championships
新聞類別6: Environment & Life 環境與生活
1. Japan Mount Ontake Volcano Eruption日本御嶽山火山爆發
2. Raising Kids in Non-Nuclear Families讓孩子在無核家園長大
3. Time for Full Family Diversity 多元成家時代到了
4. South Korea’s Obsession with Cosmetic Surgery南韓整形瘋
5. Jobs Didn’t Let His Kids Use iPads賈伯斯不讓孩子用iPad (Why)
6. Dog Saved Baby from Babysitter 狗狗從施虐保姆手中救出寶寶
7. The Popular Selfie Trend 流行的自拍風
新聞類別7: Entertainment 娛樂與休閒
1. The Wizarding World of Harry Hotter in Japan 哈利波特的魔法世界到日本囉!
2. Brad & Angelina Get Hitched 布萊德彼特與安潔莉娜終於結婚了
3. Hot-air Balloon Festival 熱氣球嘉年華
4. Manneken Pis=The World’s Most Famous Boy 全世界最有名的男孩:尿尿小童
5. Visit the Maldives before they Disappear Forever消失中的馬爾地夫
6. Rubber Duck’s World Tour 黃色小鴨的世界巡迴
7. Puyuma Express is on the go普悠瑪列車開駛囉!